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akvarijske ribe - Hemirhamphodon pogonognatus, živorodke
akvarijske ribe - Hemirhamphodon pogonognatus, živorodke
akvarijske ribe - Hemirhamphodon pogonognatus, živorodke


   Basic data:


  • Scientific name:  Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus      (Bleeker, 1853)

  • Interpretation of words: Hemirhamphodon  (hemi  = pol , rhamphos  = beak, odous = teeth  )

  • Slovenian name: 

  • Group: Livebirds

  • Source: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand

  • Size: males up to 10 cm, females up to 6 cm

  • Biotope / habitat : Blackwater lowland forest streams near water level.

  • Social behavior: Calm, compatible with other fish

  • Nutrition: Food on the surface (fleas, insects, ...)

  • Cultivation: Relatively easy

  • Aquarium: Minimum 80 liters

  • Population:  group per 80 liters of water (min 4)

  • Decoration: Densely planted aquariums with space for swimming

  • Temperature: 24-28 ° C

  • pH: 5-7

  • Hardness: up to 4 - 10 ° dGh, 1 - 4 ° dKh

  • Lifespan: 3-4 years

  • Synonyms

Hemirhamphodon                 pogonognathus


  • Hemirhamphus pogonognathus / Bleeker, 1853

  • Hemiramphus pogonognathus / Bleeker, 1853

Kingdom: Animalia / animals

Trunk: Chordata / string players

Class: Actinopterygii / arthropods

Order: Beloniformes / needles and flyers

Family: Zenarchopteridae / freshwater beaked pike

Gender:  Hemirhamphodon

Type:  Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus (Bleeker, 1853)


  We grow them  in a larger, at least one meter long aquarium with  not too high water levels, along with ground fish (Corydoras, Loricaria, ...).  The fish are very calm and cheerful in nature. The aquarium should be in a quiet location so as not to be afraid of sudden changes in the surroundings. There should be floating plants on the surface or plants whose leaves reach the surface. They love clean and soft water. Peat filter recommended.  They spend most of their time just below the surface of the water, where they prey on prey. They often jump out of the water, so we make sure that the aquarium is properly covered without open areas. We breed one male for 3 females.

If the aquarium is spacious and overgrown enough, we can have more males together. They do not like strong water flow.

In terms of water parameters, it is one of the less demanding fish.



  Almost exclusively live food to get used to frozen larvae

(water fleas, micro-worms, ants, mosquitoes, ...)

They’re slow eaters, let’s make sure we don’t have them with other “greedy” fish together so they don’t eat their food.


  Fish are viviparous, they do not have many offspring.

The female usually gives birth to all the young in a few days, a total of up to 20 fish measuring up to one centimeter. As childbirth approaches, the female has a rather bloated abdomen, which is nice to see. They have a strong predatory reflex (they eat young), so it is recommended to separate females from other fish in a very overgrown aquarium. Intervals between litters are somewhere around 4 to 8 weeks. The young take small live food, Artemia is excellent, we add vitamin D3 and calcium to the Artemia breeding vessel, or directly to the aquarium. After a week, the young fish are already eating other food.



  Quite a rare fish in aquaristics, despite its beauty. Both sexes have pinkish blue bodies and fin fins in gorgeous electric blue. Males have a "chin" at the end of the lower jaw. Females are smaller in this species than males. In the wild, these fish live together with Chocolate Threads, Razbora and other softwater fish. Fish are susceptible to bacterial infections and parasites.

An example of the habitat of a species

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