Anableps coarctatus / Valenciennes 1846
Anableps elongatus / Valenciennes, 1846
Basic data:
Scientific name: Anableps microlepis ( Müller & Troschel , 1844)
Interpretation of words: Anableps (ana = up, blepsis = look)
Slovenian name: Štiriočka
Group: Livebirds
Origin: Central and South America : Trinidad and Venezuela and the Amazon Delta
Size: up to 30 cm, males 25 cm
Biotope / Habitat : Surface layer of fresh and salt waters of mangrove areas and estuaries
Social behavior: Calm fish that can be populated with other fish of the same water parameter requirements.
Diet: Insects, crabs, fish, snails, snails, mussels, worms, ...
Cultivation: moderately demanding
Aquarium: Minimum 150 liters
Population: at least 6 fish per 150 liters of water
Decoration: fine sand (sand), lying flat stones, floating pieces of wood, mangroves
Temperature: 24-30 ° C
pH: 7-8.5
Hardness: from 9 ° dGh to 25 ° dGh
Lifespan: 6 years
Kingdom: Animalia / animals
Trunk: Chordata / string players
Class: Actinopterygii / arthropods
Order: Cyprinodontiformes / Toothpicks
Family: Anablepidae / quadrupeds and relatedness
Gender: Anableps
Type: Anableps microlepis ( Müller & Troschel , 1844)